Applications for the OSAS Peer Mentorship Program: Balancing LIFE is now open!
Balancing LIFE (Learning, Independence, Friendship, Empowerment) is a peer mentorship program housed under the USC Office of Student Accessibility Services aimed at enhancing the social experience, academic success, and sense of community among students registered with OSAS. Balancing LIFE starts every fall semester (August) and runs until the end of spring semester (May).
Both mentees and mentors will be USC students registered with OSAS. Mentors will receive specialized training as a mentor at the beginning of the fall semester. Individual circumstances may vary, but generally, mentees will meet one-on-one with their mentors twice a month, for 30 min-1 hour at a time. Within the mentorship relationship, both the mentor and mentee will identify areas of interest or concern to explore over the course of each semester. Topics may include communication and interpersonal skills (e.g., advocating for support when communicating with faculty and staff), increased involvement in on-campus activities, and how to best utilize USC resources.
For additional information, please visit The OSAS Balancing LIFE website
If you would like to be a mentee, please check out: OSAS Mentee Flyer
If you would like to be a mentor, please check out: OSAS Mentor Flyer