Resolving Concerns

The University of Southern California is committed to full compliance with laws protecting individuals with disabilities.  Students are encouraged to raise concerns and seek resolution if they believe they have not been properly accommodated or provided auxiliary aids or services. Additionally, students are encouraged to seek support if they believe they have experienced discriminatory behavior based on their disability status.

1. Request for OSAS Intervention

Occasionally, students experience difficulties communicating with a faculty member or other USC official, but do not wish to formally file a university complaint. If you have concerns or difficulties using your accommodations due to the action or inaction of a faculty member, TA, instructor, or other campus office or staff, you may submit an informal Request for Intervention. This is an interactive process between you (the student), OSAS, the individuals involved, and other appropriate individuals, such as faculty, faculty leadership (such as a dean or department chair). OSAS can help brainstorm with you the best options to resolve your concerns. This process is not investigatory and does not result in a finding of discrimination; rather, this process is intended to assist students in communicating and clarifying expectations with academic and other professionals regarding the provision of accommodations or auxiliary services.

Please note that USC policy requires OSAS staff to report instances of discrimination or violations of university policy. If a faculty member or other university employee is engaging in behavior that violates a university policy, the OSAS staff member working with you will need to report it to the appropriate investigatory office, such as EEO-TIX or OCAP.

To initiate a Request for Intervention, please contact your Primary OSAS Specialist directly via email. If you need to find out who your Primary Specialist is, you may contact

2. OSAS Grievance Procedure 

If you disagree with an OSAS decision or process related to your accommodations or services, you can submit a grievance to OSAS. A student may but is not required to, submit additional documentation from a provider as part of their grievance. Students are also encouraged to describe the decision they believe was incorrect, why they believe it is incorrect, and what they believe should happen. The grievance is reviewed along with the student’s entire file by a senior OSAS team member who did not take part in the original decision. Please note that mere disagreement with an OSAS decision is unlikely to result in a different decision.

Find more details about this process go to the Grievance Procedure below.

What Can I Expect?

For a Request for OSAS Intervention, you will work with your specialist, and the two of you can explore what to expect based on the situation.

The outcome of a Grievance will be communicated in writing to you in a timely fashion by OSAS. The length of time involved will depend on the complexity of the circumstances, as well as the number of parties involved; however, typical requests are resolved within approximately ten university business days. For more complex requests, students will be updated on a reasonable basis.

Finally, if you believe you have experienced discrimination or harassment, you have the right to file a complaint of discrimination or harassment through USC’s Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX (EEO-TIX). Find more information on EEO-TIX’s website.

Grievance Procedure

Please indicate your Grievance by completing the information below. Students are encouraged to describe the decision they believe was incorrect, why they believe it incorrect, and what they believe should happen. A student may, but is not required to, submit additional documentation from a provider as part of their grievance. If you would like to submit additional documentation, you may upload your documentation below in the “Upload Documentation for Grievance Procedure” section.

*If a student submits new documentation as part of their grievance, the original specialist who reviewed the file may also take part in the review.

Grievance Procedure

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