SSSP Student Paper Competition

SSSP (The Society for the Study of Social Problems) and the Disability Division are pleased to announce its 2020 Graduate Student Paper Competition.  Papers may be empirical or theoretical, may concern any social aspect of disability, and should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages.  Current graduate students and recent graduates (who received their degrees after May 2019) may submit a paper if it was written while still a student.  Co-authored papers are acceptable as long as all the listed authors are current graduate students.  Double submission to other SSSP award competitions will be disqualified.  The award recipient will be required to present the winning paper at a Disability Division sponsored session at the 2020 SSSP Annual Meeting in San Francisco.  Thus it is also a requirement that an abstract is submitted through the annual meeting Call for Papers process to a Disability Division session by the January 31st deadline.  The recipient will receive a monetary prize of $150, a one-year student membership in SSSP, SSSP 2019 conference registration, a plaque, and recognition at the conference awards ceremony.  Send an electronic copy of your paper (in Word format) and a cover letter identifying your graduate program to: Justine Egner