Student Assembly for Accessibility (SAA): E-BOARD POSITIONS OPEN!

Girl clapping
Students from McCarthy Honors Residential College clap at the Residential College Spirit Rally at USC, Friday, August 18, 2017. (USC Photo / Michael Owen Baker)

In an effort to increase the representation and build a community for students with a wide variety of disabilities on campus (including, but not limited to, physical disabilities, mental illness, chronic illness, learning variability, or neurodivergence), we are excited to be in the process of creating a new cultural student assembly, the Student Assembly for Accessibility.

We’re looking for several e-board members to run this assembly, and the positions are diverse. If you’re interested, please apply at and spread the word! Open to ALL USC UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS!

Here is the SAA Graphic, and applications close Friday, November 8th at 11:59pm. Questions? Email Javin D’Souza ( or Gabrielle Afflick (