Upcoming RSVP Events!

Sign that says 2021 RSVP

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and USC Student Health’s Relationship Violence Prevention and Services (RSVP) is planning several events for the month of October to raise awareness on domestic violence and intimate partner violence.

There are upcoming events are:

Compassionate Care for Survivors of Domestic Violence

  • Tuesday, October 19th, 12-1pm
  • Register Here: https://bit.ly/dvamhealthcare
  • Join RSVP’s HSC Event, “Compassionate Care for Survivors of Domestic Violence” for an expert discussion on healthcare considerations for survivors of domestic violence and intimate partner violence (DV/IPV). Topics of discussion include screening for DV/IPV in patients, what DV/IPV can look like in different patient populations, and how different clinicians can support survivors.

Red Flags & Green Flags: Shedding Light on Toxic Dating Behaviors

  • Wednesday, October 20th, 1-2:30pm
  • Register Here: https://bit.ly/rsvpdvam2021
  • Join RSVP’s “Red Flag & Green Flags: Shedding Light on Toxic Dating Behaviors” to learn about dating and relationship red flags, green flags, and everything in between. Participants will learn how to identify toxic traits, how to help their friends, and why people stay. The panel will consist of speakers from Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services (RSVP), The People Concern, and Jewish Family Service LA.

For other upcoming events, please check out this flyer (Click Here)

Questions and comments can be sent to eshcrsvp@usc.edu. To follow and attend additional RSVP collaborations for DVAM, follow the Instagram page @voice_rsvp and/or refer to the attached flyer.