Accommodated Testing

In accordance with practice defined by the Provost’s Office, the University currently employs different approaches to providing testing accommodations for students registered with OSAS. The approach depends on the program the student is enrolled in. Please reference below to determine which approach is applicable.


  • The OSAS Testing Center is responsible for proctoring exams (in-person only) for all students with testing accommodations, including students approved for 1.5x only.
    • Students should submit an exam request through “MyOSAS” at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date. 
    • Note: Due to the high volume of exams the OSAS Testing Center proctors and limited space, we cannot guarantee a space for requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date. Exam requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date will be considered as time and space allow.
  • Faculty/Departments have the option to proctor exams for students with testing accommodations.
    • Students should make arrangements directly with their faculty member(s) at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date.
    • Note: Students who are eligible to test at the OSAS Testing Center may choose to test with the class with the understanding that their Instructor may not be able to provide any or all of their approved testing accommodations (e.g. 1.5x, a reduced distraction test setting).


  • The OSAS Testing Center is responsible for proctoring exams (in-person only) for all students with testing accommodations, including students approved for 1.5x only.
    • Students should submit an exam request through “MyOSAS” at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date. 
    • Note: Due to the high volume of exams the OSAS Testing Center proctors and limited space, we cannot guarantee a space for requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date. Exam requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date will be considered as time and space allow.
  • Faculty/Departments have the option to proctor exams for students with testing accommodations.
    • Students should make arrangements directly with their faculty member(s) at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date.
    • Note: Students who are eligible to test at the OSAS Testing Center may choose to test with the class with the understanding that their Instructor may not be able to provide any or all of their approved testing accommodations (e.g. 1.5x, a reduced distraction test setting).


  • Faculty/Departments are responsible for proctoring exams for all students with testing accommodations.
    • Students should make arrangements directly with their faculty member(s) at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date
  • The OSAS Testing Center is unable to provide remote proctoring services for students enrolled in online programs. However, if online students have any specific questions, please feel free to contact the OSAS Testing Center.


  • The OSAS Testing Center is responsible for proctoring exams (in-person only) for all students with testing accommodations, including students approved for 1.5x only.
    • Students should submit an exam request through “MyOSAS” at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date. 
    • Note: Due to the high volume of exams the OSAS Testing Center proctors and limited space, we cannot guarantee a space for requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date. Exam requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date will be considered as time and space allow.
  • Faculty/Departments have the option to proctor exams for students with testing accommodations.
    • Students should make arrangements directly with their faculty member(s) at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date.
    • Note: Students who are eligible to test at the OSAS Testing Center may choose to test with the class with the understanding that their Instructor may not be able to provide any or all of their approved testing accommodations (e.g. 1.5x, a reduced distraction test setting).


  • Faculty/Departments are responsible for proctoring exams for all students with testing accommodations.
    • Students should make arrangements directly with their faculty member(s) at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date.
  • The OSAS Testing Center is unable to provide proctoring services at the HSC or the Alhambra campus. However, if students have any specific questions, please feel free to contact the OSAS TC Staff at OSAS Testing Center.


  • The Law School proctors exams for all students with testing accommodations.
    • Gould J.D. students must immediately submit their accommodation letters to Gould Student Life via this form as soon as they are approved for accommodations.
    • Gould Masters/LLM students must email their accommodation letters to as soon as they are approved for accommodations.
  • The OSAS Testing Center is unable to provide proctoring services for USC Gould School of Law. However, if students have any specific questions, please feel free to contact the OSAS Testing Center.


  • The OSAS Testing Center is responsible for proctoring exams (in-person only) for all students with testing accommodations, including students approved for 1.5x only.
    • Students should submit an exam request through “MyOSAS” at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date. 
    • Note: Due to the high volume of exams the OSAS Testing Center proctors and limited space, we cannot guarantee a space for requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date. Exam requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date will be considered as time and space allow.
  • Students may choose to test with the class with the understanding that their Instructor may not be able to provide any or all of their approved testing accommodations (e.g. 1.5x, a reduced distraction test setting).
    • Note: To make full use of approved testing accommodations, students are encouraged to test directly with the OSAS Testing Center. 


  • The OSAS Testing Center is responsible for proctoring exams (virtually) for students who are approved for virtual class attendance and any testing accommodation, including students approved for 1.5x only.
    • Students should submit an exam request through “MyOSAS” at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date.
    • Note: Due to the high volume of exams the OSAS Testing Center proctors and limited resources, we cannot guarantee a virtual proctor for requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date. Exam requests submitted less than one week before the quiz, test, or exam date will be considered as time and staffing allow.
  • Faculty/Departments have the option to proctor exams for students with testing accommodations.
    • Students should make arrangements directly with their faculty member(s) at least one week in advance of the quiz, test, or exam date. 
    • Note: Students who are eligible to test with the OSAS Testing Center may choose to test with the Instructor with the understanding that their Instructor may not be able to provide any or all of their approved testing accommodations (e.g. 1.5x, a reduced distraction test setting).
  • Faculty/Departments are also responsible for proctoring exams for students who are not approved for any testing accommodations but are approved for Virtual Class Attendance.

The OSAS Testing Center

The OSAS Testing Center offers dedicated testing space and services for OSAS students who are approved for testing accommodations. Please review the first section above to determine which students are eligible to take their exams at the OSAS Testing Center. 

While the OSAS Testing Center is unable to provide proctoring services for online programs or programs located at the Health Science Campus (HSC) and/or the Alhambra campus, we offer consultation for academic departments to discuss best practices for implementing testing accommodations. OSAS also provides disposable ear plugs, noise canceling headphones and white noise machines upon request. For more information, please contact the OSAS Testing Center

The OSAS Testing Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Science and Engineering Library (SSL), Suite 301. It is accessible by elevator and/or stairs, and a power assist door is located at the building’s south entrance. 

Please note that the main OSAS office, located at GFS 120, does not administer exams. Please be sure to visit the OSAS Testing Center for any testing-related business. 

OSAS Testing Center Location


910 Bloom Walk, SSL 301
Science and Engineering Library
3rd Floor, Suite 301
Los Angeles, CA 90089

Phone Number & Email


Office Hours

General Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm

Hours During Final Exams: Wednesday – Wednesday, including the Saturday of the final exam period, 8:00am – 6:00pm

Testing at the OSAS Testing Center

Students taking exams at the OSAS Testing Center are expected to schedule their exams at the same time the class is scheduled to take the exam. Exceptions should be made when a student’s testing accommodations (e.g. Extended Time – 1.5x) would cause the student to miss another class. Exceptions should also be made for classes that are held outside of the OSAS Testing Center’s proctoring hours which are Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm, and 8am – 6pm the week of finals, so students can receive their approved testing accommodations. Adjustments should align as closely to the original test day and time as possible. Any alternative exam schedule must be approved by the course Instructor.  

Students’ personal preference, work schedules, travel schedules, or other personal circumstances are not viewed as disability-related reasons for which OSAS would support an adjustment to the exam schedule. Adjustments of this nature will be directed to the Instructor to discuss directly with the student, and notify OSAS of the approved outcome. 

Any request to test at the OSAS Testing Center is processed via the MyOSAS database, and issues automatic communications to the Instructor of record for the course. Faculty will be notified of the information submitted by the student, including the date and time the student is scheduling the exam. OSAS reserves a space for the date and time requested, however, the request is considered “pending” until we receive confirmation of approval from the Instructor. Please note that database email communications may present a sense that OSAS is approving the request prior to faculty review, however, our actual practice is to only hold the space, pending final faculty approval.

Exam Security and Academic Integrity  

The OSAS Testing Center employs multiple means of ensuring security of exams (e.g., the MyOSAS database is a protected system, accessible only by OSAS staff, exams are stored in locked file cabinets, etc.), and protecting Academic Integrity (e.g. through video surveillance, in-person monitoring, live/synchronous monitoring, etc.). Any exceptional circumstances that may occur during an exam will be documented. Students are responsible for abiding by the University’s Academic Integrity Policy and the Instructor’s class policies while taking exams. Failure to abide by these policies may result in a report to the Office of Academic Integrity (OAI). 

How to Schedule an Exam with the OSAS Testing Center 

For students who are eligible to test at the OSAS Testing Center, please schedule your exams electronically through MyOSAS. Please be sure to submit exam requests at least one week in advance of the quiz, test or exam date. Requests submitted with less than 1 week notice are considered as time and space allow.

Please note that in order to submit an exam request you must first generate and provide a copy of your accommodation letter to your Professor.

5 Easy Steps for Students to Follow
  • Step 1: Log into your my MyOSAS portal.
  • Step 2: From the “My Dashboard” page, click on “Accommodated Testing.
  • Step 3: From the drop-down menu at the top of the page, select the class you would like to schedule an exam for. Click on the “Schedule Exam” tab.
  • Step 4: On the “Exam Request” page, scroll down and complete the “Exam Detail” section. Please input the exam standard length in minutes. After you have answered all of the questions, click on “Add Exam Request.”
  • Step 5: After submitting an exam request, you will see a “System Update is Successful” notification.
You’ve Scheduled Your Exam, Now What?
  • You will receive a confirmation email indicating that the OSAS Testing Center has received your exam request.
  • Your Instructor will then be notified and asked to approve the request, and to submit exam details and allowable exam materials. Your request is considered “pending” until we receive approval from your Instructor.
  • Once we receive approval from your Instructor, your request is considered confirmed.
  • You can view your upcoming exam(s) by clicking on the “Accommodated Testing” tab in MyOSAS.
The Day of Your Exam
  • Please check-in at the OSAS Testing Center (SSL 301), 15 minutes before your exam start time.
  • Please note that late arrival does not extend your accommodated testing time beyond the scheduled end time.
  • You will be given secured space (i.e. lockers) to store your belongings. Only instructor-approved material or OSAS approved (accommodation-related) materials will be allowed in the testing space with you.
  • You will be given a Check-in Checklist to review and complete. This document is part of a commitment to academic integrity on your part.
  • Any exceptional circumstances during your testing experience will be documented and provided to your instructor.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the OSAS Testing Center at 213-821-9620. 

How to Schedule a Foreign Language Placement Exam with the OSAS Testing Center 

For students who are eligible to test at the OSAS Testing Center, please email the information below to the OSAS Testing Center, and our Testing Services Administrator will schedule your Foreign Language placement exam for you. Please note that the Language Center requires one weeks notice to arrange accommodations for placement exams so please be sure to contact the OSAS Testing Center at least two weeks in advance of the exam date. 

Please email the following information to the OSAS Testing Center:

  • Email Subject Line: Foreign Language Placement Exam
  • In the subject of your email, please include the following:
    • The Foreign Language placement exam you plan to take (ie: Spanish, French, Chinese, etc.)
    • The Exam Date (please refer to the Language Center Event Calendar to view upcoming exam dates/times)
    • The Exam Start Time (please refer to the Language Center Even Calendar to view upcoming exam dates/times)
  • Once the exam is scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email from the OSAS Testing Center.

How to Schedule an Exam for an “Incomplete (IN)” Course with the OSAS Testing Center 

For students who are eligible to test at the OSAS Testing Center, please email the information below to the OSAS Testing Center, and our Testing Services Administrator will schedule your exam for you. Please be sure to email the OSAS Testing Center at least one week in advance of the exam date. Requests submitted with less than 1 week notice are considered as time and space allow.

  • Email Subject Line: Exam for Incomplete Course
  • In the subject of your email, please include the following:
    • Course Code (ie: ECON 101, BUAD 204, PSYC 303, etc.)
    • Instructor’s Name & Email Address
    • Exam Date
    • Exam Start Time
    • Standard Length of Exam
  • Once the exam is scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email from the OSAS Testing Center.

Making Arrangements for Final Exams 


Fall 2023: Please make arrangements directly with your Instructors/Department by Wednesday, November 29th.
Spring 2024: Please make arrangements directly with your Instructors/Department by Wednesday, April 24th.


Fall 2023: Please make arrangements directly with your Instructors/Department by Wednesday, November 29th.
Spring 2024: Please make arrangements directly with your Instructors/Department by Wednesday, April 24th.


Fall 2023 & Spring 2024: Please make arrangements directly with the Law School Student Support Office.


Final Exams periods are extremely busy at the OSAS Testing Center, and testing space reaches capacity quickly. Students are welcomed and encouraged to submit final exam requests to test at the OSAS Testing Center as early in the term as possible, once final exam schedules are released. OSAS establishes a priority deadline for submitting requests, generally 1 week before the start of finals. After this deadline, requests are processed as time and space allows, but students should know there is not a guarantee of their request being confirmed.

As with course tests and exams, students are expected to schedule their Final Exams during the same time as their class is scheduled to take the final. Adjustments will be made when a student’s testing-related accommodations would otherwise cause them to overlap testing time with another final. Students’ personal preference, work schedules, travel schedules, or other personal circumstances are not viewed as disability-related reasons for altering testing time. All adjustments to testing day and time must be approved by course instructors.Please follow the steps below to schedule your final exams with the OSAS Testing Center.

Step 1: Log in to your “MyOSAS” portal.
Step 2: From the “My Dashboard” page, click on “Accommodated Testing”.
Step 3: From the drop-down menu at the top of the page, select the class you would like to schedule an exam for. Click on the “Schedule Exam” tab.
Step 4: On the “Exam Request” page, scroll down and complete the “Exam Detail” section. After you have answered all of the questions, click on “Add Exam Request”.
Step 5: After submitting an exam request, you will see a “System Update is Successful” notification.Follow these Guidelines When Scheduling Your Finals
• Make sure to schedule your finals between 8am – 6pm (exams taken at the OSAS Testing Center begin at 8am and end at 6pm).
• Make sure you submit your exam requests under the correct course and that you do not submit duplicate exam requests.
• Double check to confirm your exams do not overlap as a result of your extended time.
• If you have more than 2 finals on one day, you can request to take one of the finals on a different day or at a different time. Please contact your Instructors to determine the new date and/or time before scheduling your final. Timeline
Fall 2023: All exam requests for Fall final exams must be submitted by Wednesday, November 29th.
Spring 2024: All exam requests for Spring final exams must be submitted by Wednesday, April 24th.

During finals, space at the OSAS Testing Center is limited and reaches capacity. We encourage you to schedule your finals before the deadline. In order for the OSAS Testing Center to proctor your finals, you need to submit your exam requests for finals by the deadline listed above. Requests submitted after the deadline will be considered as time and space allow.