USC Hospitality Services works closely with students who experience dietary restrictions and/or food allergies. Their staff Nutritionist is available for individualized consultations with students regarding menus, ingredients, resources, and other aspects allowing students to make full-use of their meal plan on campus.
Contact the Nutritionist for one-on-one consultation or with questions.
For students requesting exceptions to the required meal plans, OSAS will collaborate with the student as well as USC’s Nutritionist to first exhaust options available through campus dining facilities. If a student feels the University’s dining options cannot meet their needs due to dietary restrictions/allergies, please contact OSAS and initiate the registration process, with supporting documentation related to the dietary restrictions.
USC’s residential facilities are community living-based and holistic development-focused. Living in a Residential College/Residential Community is a unique experience where students get to meet people from all across the United States and the World. Together, they learn to live, interact, and socialize together and create memories that soon prove that this is more than just a place to sleep-it is their new home for the year. Students have the opportunity to attend activities that cultivate their social, academic, and cultural growth as young adults and interact with a variety of staff who are there to support them in their transition not only to college during their first-year, but through the transitions that come with every year at USC.
OSAS partners closely with Residential Education staff, and USC Housing Staff, when reviewing a student’s request for a housing-related accommodation. The purpose of a housing-related accommodation is to provide equal access and opportunity for the student to fully engage in the residential community and the related programming.
Once a housing-related accommodation is approved, OSAS works with these campus partners to determine how and when implementation will be possible. Our goal is to implement accommodations as quickly as possible. However, it is important to know that there are many factors involved in housing accommodations. As a result, approved accommodations may not be able to be immediately implemented.
Additionally, once the accommodation becomes available, the expectation is that the student will take the necessary steps to make use of it. This may mean relocation, change of roommates, or other actions.
Important Notes
- Housing accommodations are intended to address the impact of the disability. They do not guarantee location in a particular residential building.
- General allergies related to season/pollen, dust, fragrances, etc, may not constitute a disability. Students are encouraged to review the protocols from the American Academy of Allery, Asthma & Immunology to equip themselves with best practices and resources for addressing their allergies. Also roommate agreements are appropriate for agreeing on cleaning plans between roommates.
- Declining a housing accommodation when it becomes available to implement will indicate to OSAS, Housing and ResEd that the student no longer needs the accommodation, and will need to meet with their OSAS Specialist before future implementation of the accommodation.
- Personal preference for location and personal schedules for move-in/move-out are not considered disability-related reasons for needing an accommodation in these areas.
Personal Care Aides
A Personal Care Aide (PCA) is a paid employee of the student’s who assists an individual with a disability to perform daily tasks. PCA duties may include:
- Assistance with daily grooming and hygiene;
- Assistance with physical transfers;
- Assistance with bathing and dressing;
- Assistance with laundry and errands;
- Other individual duties as needed.
Students with disabilities are responsible for hiring and paying personal assistants. OSAS staff are not authorized to assist students with personal care needs.
Additionally, PCAs are for assistance with activities of daily living, and are not a substitute for the student with regards to attending class, completing work, or taking tests. Students must remain fully responsible for interacting in and reflecting comprehension in their courses.